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the Otaniemi campus student network founded in 1986

What to do when my network connection does not work?

Please read the following and go through at least the steps 1-3 before contacting the Trinet administrators.

  1. Check your IP settings. You should always use automatic IP address configuration.
    • IPv4: DHCP
    • IPv6: Stateless Address Auto-configuration (SLAAC) or DHCPv6
  2. If you use a router with wireless connection, please check the following from your host or with a WiFi analyser (for example a phone app):
    • Your host uses 5 GHz radio. Usually there is less noise on 5 GHz frequency band and more channels available.
    • Your router does not use same channels as the closest neighbours' access ports (ie. strongest signals received). If it's the case, please consider changing channels in your router.
    • If your router supports only 2,4 GHz frequency band, it might be impossible to avoid overlapping channels. A router with 5 GHz support should be considered. Some guidelines for routers are in our equipment page.
  3. Test with another Ethernet cable (loan a cable from your flatmate)
  4. Plug your computer into your flatmate's Ethernet socket for testing
  5. Plug your flatmate's computer into your Ethernet socket for testing
    • Important in case of degraded performance or high latency problems to rule out device related issues
    • If it's a device related issue, please try to disable temporarily all 3rd party antivirus and/or firewall software and test again. Some antivirus software causing problems are reported in the software page.
  6. Contact the network administrators
    1. By using the network problem notification form
    2. By email <verkko@ayy.fi>
    3. By phone contact information
  7. Include the following information into your problem report:
    • Your name (required)
    • Your full street address including the room number (required)
    • Your phone number (required)
    • The wall ethernet socket number or label (highly appreciated, if such exists)
    • Your computer or router MAC address, whichever is connected into the wall ethernet socket (highly appreciated)
  8. Include logs from your router if using such (highly appreciated)
  9. Include outputs from the following commands into your problem report: (highly appreciated)
    • # Windows (run at the Command Prompt):
        ipconfig /all
        netsh interface ip show route
        netsh interface ipv6 show route
        netsh interface ip show neighbors
        netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors
        netstat -e
        netstat -s
        netsh interface ipv4 show ipstats
        netsh interface ipv4 show tcpstats
        ping -n 5
        ping -n 5 2001:708:30:1::2
        tracert 2001:708:30:1::2
        nslookup ns1.ayy.fi
      # macOS (run at the Terminal)
        ifconfig -a
        netstat -rn
        scutil --dns
        arp -an
        ndp -an
        netstat -i
        ping -c 5
        ping6 -c 5 2001:708:30:1::2
        traceroute6 2001:708:30:1::2
        nslookup ns1.ayy.fi
      # Linux
        ifconfig -a
        nmcli dev show
        ip route show
        ip -6 route show
        ip neigh show
        ip -6 neigh show
        ip -s link
        ping -c 5
        ping6 -c 5 2001:708:30:1::2
        traceroute6 2001:708:30:1::2
        nslookup ns1.ayy.fi
© 2025 Veijo Kyläverkko <verkko@ayy.fi>
Last updated: 2023-10-28