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the Otaniemi campus student network founded in 1986


Software for Aalto University students and staff

Aalto University offers free of charge software and licenses for Aalto students and employees via download.aalto.fi service. Software downloads requires authentication by using your Aalto user account.

Anti-virus software:

SSH client software for Windows:

X server software for Windows:

Please note that Linux, BSD and macOS operating systems have native support for SSH and X Windowing and do not require any third party software.

Other public software mirroring services

Hall of Shame: software reported causing issues with network connectivity

The following installed 3rd party software or operation system features may cause issues with network connectivity. If you're using any, please try to disable each temporarily and test again. In some cases you may need to uninstall 3rd party software and reboot the system to remove all software components affecting performance.

© 2024 Veijo Kyläverkko <verkko@ayy.fi>
Last updated: 2020-12-21